Sediment Sampling
Initiative: continue to enhance efforts to reduce erosion and watershed sediment loading from development activities
Sediment Sampling
Sampling is not collected after every rain event. Hence, a percentage of times when runoff was above TSS was above the recommended level was used (instead of the number of runoff events, given that the total number of sampling carried out every year would not be the same). This KPI refers to any water body in Stratford/any runoff occurring (not limited to ponds).
Several departments carry out sedimentation sampling. However, a proper data recording system has not been implemented yet. The years when no data is available refer to those instances when samples might or might not have been taken but were not recorded in a way that could be tracked. It is important to note that sediment sampling is one aspect of erosion and watershed sedimentation controls. However, other ongoing work is taking place to that effect, which is not captured in this KPI.